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Capaian Revolusi Mental Indonesia
Dipublikasikan pada 2 years ago , Redaktur: Andrean W. Finaka, Riset : Rosi Oktari / Desain : Chyntia Devina / View : 3.641 | - Indonesia terus berproses untuk menorehkan capaian positif pada perubahan cara pikir, cara kerja, hingga cara pandang, dalam hidup berbangsa.
Terus Tingkatkan Revolusi Mental
Kemenkop PMK menyebut, Pemerintah akan terus berkomitmen meningkatkan capaian program Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental (GNRM) untuk tahun 2020-2024. Hal itu, guna menyusul hasil evaluasi capaian program GNRM 2015-2019 yang dinilai telah cukup memenuhi target.
Berdasarkan proyeksi baseline Kemenko PMK, BPS 2019, menyebutkan target gerakan revolusi mwntal sebagai berikut:
- 2019 = 68,30%
- 2020 = 69,57%
- 2021 = 70,78%
- 2022 = 71,96%
Revolusi mental akan terus ditingkatkan pencapaiannya dengan melihat persepsi masyarakat untuk mendukung tercapainya lima dimensi GNRM.
Adapun lima indikator program yang dapat menunjukkan keberhasilan pemerintah dalam mencapai target GNRM itu di antaranya capaian program Gerakan Indonesia Melayani, Gerakan Indonesia Bersih, Gerakan Indonesia Tertib, Gerakan Indonesia Mandiri, dan Gerakan Indonesia Bersatu.
Keberhasilan 5 Indikator pada Tahun Sebelumnya
Beberapa capaian dari lima indikator program GNRM tahun 2015-2019, di antaranya:
- Capaian Gerakan Indonesia Melayani melalui perubahan rekrutmen Aparatur Sipil Negara berbasis Computer Based Test, peningkatan layanan dasar berbasis masyarakat, serta layanan publik berbasis online.
- Capaian Gerakan Indonesia Bersih salah satunya mewujudkan Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (Germas), serta keberhasilan tata kelola lahan gambut untuk mengatasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang ditandai dengan 93,6% penurunan titik api.
- Capaian Gerakan Indonesia Tertib yakni sekitar 80% pengaduan masyarakat berhasil terselesaikan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan komunikasi elektronik.
- Capaian Gerakan Indonesia Mandiri dengan menghadirkan berbagai kemudahan akses ekonomi bagi masyarakat termasuk penyediaan modal kewirausahaan.
- Capaian Gerakan Indonesia Bersatu yakni menjalankan pemerintahan berazaskan gotong-royong, meningkatnya kerukunan umat beragama, penanganan berita hoaks, dan juga kolaborasi adat budaya di daerah.
Achievements of the Mental Revolution - Indonesia continues to make progress in altering the perspectives, work style, and style of thinking in the nation's life.
The National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM) program's accomplishments for the years 2020–2024 will continue to be improved, according to the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture. This is in response to the evaluation's findings of the program's accomplishments from 2015 to 2019—which are deemed to have met the goal.
According to BPS 2019, the following goals have been set for the progress toward the "mental revolution" based on the baseline projection of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture:
2019 = 68.30%
2020 = 69.57%
2021 = 70.78%
2022 = 71.96%
Public perceptions will be examined in order to support the achievement of the five GNRM dimensions and further improve mental revolution.
The five program indicators that might demonstrate the government's success in reaching the GNRM target include the achievements of the Indonesia Serving Movement, Indonesia Clean Movement, Indonesia Orderly Movement, Indonesia Self-sufficient Movement, and Indonesia Unity Movement.
5 Indicators' Success in the Previous Year
Among the five indicators' accomplishments for the GNRM program's 2015–2019 period is:
The successes of the Indonesia Serving Movement include improvements to community-based basic services and online public services and modifications to the recruitment of state civil apparatus based on computer-based testing.
One of the achievements of the Indonesia Clean Movement is Realizing the Healthy Living Community Movement and the success of peatland management to combat forest and land fires, which is evidenced by a 93.6% reduction in hotspots.
The achievement of the Indonesia Orderly Movement is that around 80% of public complaints have been successfully resolved by using electronic communication networks.
The accomplishments of the Indonesia Self-sufficient Movement include providing the community with capital for entrepreneurship as well as other simple ways to access the economy.
The accomplishments of the Indonesia Unity Movement include managing a government based on mutual cooperation, fostering more religious harmony, combating fake news, and working with regional cultural traditions.