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Indonesia Berhasil Swasembada Beras
Dipublikasikan pada 2 years ago , Redaktur: Andrean W. Finaka, Riset : Rosi Oktari / Desain : Chyntia Devina / View : 14.194 | - Di tengah ancaman krisis dunia, Indonesia dapat penghargaan International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) atas keberhasilan sistem ketahanan pangan Indonesia dalam hal swasembada beras.
Penghargaan IRRI
Penghargaan yang bertajuk “Acknowledgment for Achieving Agri-food System Resiliency and Rice Self-Sufficiency during 2019-2021 through the Application of Rice Innovation Technology” atau “Penghargaan Sistem Pertanian-Pangan Tangguh dan Swasembada Beras Tahun 2019-2021 melalui Penggunaan Teknologi Inovasi Padi”, diserahkan oleh Direktur Jenderal IRRI Jean Balie kepada Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Minggu (14/08/2022).
Penghargaan ini membuktikan bahwa Indonesia telah memiliki sistem ketahanan pangan yang baik dan berhasil swasembada beras pada periode 2019-2021 melalui penerapan inovasi teknologi pertanian. Tak hanya itu, stok beras nasional mencukupi bahkan melebihi pasokan.
Penghargaan ini tentu tidak luput atas kerja keras para petani Indonesia. Pasalnya, para petani berhasil mencapai 90% rasio swasembada Indonesia (rasio produksi dalam negeri dengan total permintaan)
Pemerintah Turut Dukung Para Petani
Selain kerja keras dari para petani di seluruh Indonesia, pemenuhan pangan yang cukup juga dibarengi insfrastruktur.
Presiden mengungkapkan, sejak tahun 2015 pemerintah telah giat membangun infrastruktur di bidang pertanian, seperti bendungan, embung, dan jaringan irigasi.
Peningkatan infrastruktur pertanian ini juga diiringi dengan pemanfaatan varietas-varietas unggul padi serta program intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi memacu peningkatan produksi pertanian beras di tanah air sehingga Indonesia berhasil berswasembada.
Pada tahun 2019 produksi beras di tanah air sebesar 31,3 juta ton, jumlah yang sama dengan produksi di tahun 2020 dan 2021. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), stok beras yang dimiliki Indonesia hingga akhir bulan April 2022, mencapai 10,2 juta ton.
Indonesia Succeeds in Achieving Rice Self-Sufficiency - In the face of a potential global crisis, Indonesia received an award from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for the effectiveness of its rice self-sufficiency system.
IRRI Award
The award entitled "Acknowledgment for Achieving Agri-food System Resiliency and Rice Self-Sufficiency during 2019-2021 through the Application of Rice Innovation Technology" was handed over by the Director-general of IRRI Jean Balie to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, on Sunday, August 14, 2022.
This award demonstrates that Indonesia was able to achieve rice self-sufficiency in the years 2019–2021, demonstrating its strong food security system through the application of agricultural technology innovations. In addition, the nation's rice supply is adequate and even exceeds demand.
Given that Indonesian farmers have contributed 90% of the country's self-sufficiency ratio (ratio of domestic production to total demand), this award is also a result of their hard work.
Government Supports for Farmers
In addition to the contribution of Indonesian farmers, infrastructure is also responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of food sufficiency.
According to the president, the government has been actively constructing irrigation networks, dams, and other agricultural infrastructure since 2015.
In order to improve rice agricultural production in the nation and help Indonesia achieve self-sufficiency, this expansion of agricultural infrastructure is also accompanied by the adoption of superior rice varieties as well as intensification and extensification programs.
Indonesia produced 31.3 million tons of rice in 2019, matching output from 2020 and 2021. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reports that Indonesia had 10.2 million tons of rice in stock as of the end of April 2022.